Documenting VE Day during lockdown - Purley on Thames celebrates VE day in style and gets featured in families magazine

Did you celebrate VE day?

After eight weeks (at the time) of staying inside - other then for exercise I was asked by the village committee to document the village's VE day.

I actually took out my real camera for the first time in two months and photographed so many great families in my little village.

It felt weird the thought of going in public with my camera but the minute I started backing up batteries and loading cards it felt totally natural again.

A poster had been sent out to everyone just like so many other villages all over England.

The local DJ loaded his car with a PA system, speakers, balloons & flags & treats for the kids and sent out his route to the village who eagerly awaited the car with 1940's music blaring in the sun. I followed with some committee members dressed up collecting donations for the NHS.

We had 22 roads to cover, resulting in a 10K fast walk in the sun.

I also set up a justgiving page for the fantastic NHS (a goal of mine since this all started) Between the page I set up and the fundraising buckets we have collected over £1700 which has now been given to our local NHS Royal Berkshire Hospital.

It was an honour to celebrate VE day whilst creating memories to be remembered forever.

Here are a few favourite images from the day.

Here is the second 'surviving lockdown' magazine which is packed with brilliant free things to do at home and outdoors, education resources, and play and entertainment ideas.

Families magazine is a great resource for families and I love how it has gone digital at this time as I really do not like opening things that come through my door or in the letter box at the moment. Having said that I do love it when it a beauty product arrives, a gift for a loved one or something creative to do with my youngest. There is just lots of hand washing .

I am proud to be featured here documenting the VE celebrations in Purley on Thames and with the help of the local DJ, the committee who organised it and the very generous community we raised over £1700 for the Royal Berkshire hospital.💙❤️♡

If you would like to read whole magazine here is the link 

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Tina Cleary Photography
Tina Cleary