This is the only picture I have up of my pregnancy
This is the only picture I have up of my pregnancy from both of my pregnancies.
The beautiful professional ones I had taken are in an album in a draw because I had them all taken with my clothes off or with material over me. So not the type of photo you have hanging in the hallway or over the dinner table.
I have this one up because I loved having a bump and I feel totally confident if the man repairing the telly or fitting the windows saw this in a frame & my children and dad do not have to see my bare belly when eating.
This photo was taken 14 years ago in a poorly lit room on holiday by my eldest who was 10 then. So it is a small print in a small frame.
This made me realise that other pregnant ladies who love their bump and appreciate wall art would enjoy having photos of them taken with their clothes on and out in nature.
I can help ladies create beautiful wall art of themselves with images to be proud of. Maybe by the sea or in the woods or in their garden. Gorgeous images with or without their partners.
So that is why my mission is to provide a relaxing and beautiful VIP pregnancy photoshoot experience for busy professionals resulting in gorgeous wall art which brings them joy & pride every time they see it hanging on their walls